Best Coding Bootcamps is unwavering in our commitment to provide new and experienced coding students with the most transparent, candid evaluation of bootcamp providers on the internet. We also believe that transparency applies to our business model.
Here’s how we make money:
When you fill out our questionnaire, we match your inputs to the closest matching bootcamp using our extensive database. Currently we ask for your experience with coding, discipline you are interested in studying, desired learning style (remote, on-ground, or both), along with your intended commitment (part-time or full-time) in order to recommend our initial set of bootcamp matches. Once you’ve submitted your questionnaire, we provide you with additional tools to further refine and sort your results based on your personal preferences.
Within the results, for each bootcamp provider, you will see a button that says “Get introduced.” By clicking this button, you are initiating the information transfer – meaning, the information you provided within the questionnaire will be transferred to the bootcamp provider. At that point, an admissions representative from that bootcamp provider may contact you by your preferred contact method.
Once you’ve shared your information with the bootcamp, those bootcamps labeled as “Sponsored” will compensate us for the introduction. This compensation enables us to keep the lights on and enables you to receive cash back as a reward for participating in our EDGE program.
Our business model is purpose-built to connect you to the bootcamps that are the most relevant – those that are most aligned with your interests and learning objectives.
Our promise to you:
- We will only provide your information to the bootcamps that you want to be introduced to and those you actively initiate an introduction to. Unlike industry practices, we only send your information to admissions counselors from bootcamps you initiate with.
- We will prepare our visitors to ask bootcamps thorough questions. You’re making an investment in a bootcamp alongside our guidance and expertise. We actively encourage all of our student partners and bootcamp partners to adopt our belief in transparency.
- Once you become a member of EDGE and in a bootcamp, we reward our members as a financial incentive for working with us. Best Coding Bootcamps wants to grow with you. Our company gives back a percentage of the fee we collect from our bootcamp partners to successfully enrolled students.
Here’s what we don’t do.
- We want to hear your reviews, but we don’t want to sugarcoat them. Astroturfing increases our difficulty of recommending students to the right bootcamp. We believe that credible industry advisors, verified bootcamp graduates & instructors, and industry hiring managers are the best resources for making your selection.
- We don’t accept sponsored editorial nor receive financial compensation for any reviews written. All content is created by industry experts or contributing writers with first-hand experience and enlisted by Best Coding Bootcamps. All content published on Best Coding Bootcamps receives an editorial review.
- Once more: We don’t sell our member information to a bootcamp without your consent. You initiate contact with the bootcamps you believe are a match and fit to your interests.
Best Coding Bootcamps was founded by a team of professionals with a rich history in EdTech and advertising. We have first-hand experience working with bootcamp providers to advertise to and recruit students.
Are you a recent bootcamp grad or former/current instructor interested in sharing your stories? We want to interview you about your experience. Contact to schedule time.